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Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is a term created by two researchers – Peter Salavoy and John Mayer – and popularised by Dan Goleman in his 1996 book of the same name. We define EI or EQ as the ability to:

  • Recognise, understand and manage our own emotions
  • Recognise, understand and influence the emotions of others

Emotional Intelligence is important in both work and personal life as it helps us to:

  • Give and receive feedback
  • Deal with stressful relationships
  • Manage barriers and challenges that may stand between us and our goals
  • Deal with change
  • Manage setbacks and failures effectively

This video talks about five components that make up Emotional Intelligence: self awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.

Download a transcript of the above video (Word, 14.3KB)

What can you do?

  1. To recap, the video speaks about the 5 components of Emotional Intelligence. These are:
    • SELF AWARENESS is understanding one’s own emotions and their effect on others. Self-aware leaders are confident and candid. They can realistically assess and talk about their strengths and weaknesses.
    • SELF REGULATION is an ability to control or direct disruptive impulses essentially to think before acting. Effective self-regulators tend to be trustworthy, comfortable with their ambiguity, able to suspend judgement and open to change.
    • MOTIVATION is a passion to work with energy and persistence for reasons beyond money or status. It means being driven, goal orientated, optimistic and committed.
    • EMPATHY is the ability to understand the emotional needs of others and to treat them accordingly.
    • SOCIAL SKILLS are proficiencies in managing relationships, developing networks, building rapport and finding common ground. It makes leaders more persuasive and helps them create change.
    • Write down and think about each of each areas and where you feel development or further work is needed.
  2. There are many online tools available that help you to determine your level of emotional intelligence in an interactive way. Some of these may not be accessible through technology such as JAWS. One of the online assessment tools can be found on the Mind Tools website. When completed, it sends a summary report and unpacks your emotional intelligence insights based on your answers. Please note that Vision Australia does not administer or own the Value Centre website.
  3. Vision Australia staff are qualified practitioners who can help you to develop soft skills such as Emotional Intelligence. You can see options on how you can connect with us through our webpage or by calling 1300 84 74 66.