On this page

Listen to Cheryl's story

“My mum had an eye condition so it was very likely that I could get it. I was very aware to watch for it.”

When Cheryl was 60, the eye specialist confirmed the retired nurse’s instinct.

This is Cheryl’s experience of living with vision loss.

What’s next?

Audio story book

Listen to the experiences of others living with blindness or severe vision loss.

In their own time, they connected with a range of supports allowing them to continue doing the things they have always done like reading, traveling, working and much more.

What's next?

Resources and support

If you, or a loved one, is blind or has low vision, and would like to know about the support available, Let's Talk About Vision Loss is an excellent audio and text resource for you. Order your free copy, or call to speak to Vision Australia.

Order the free book Contact Vision Australia