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Narrator: a panel of three people

they read through a job applicant's resume.

Middle panellist: Have you had a read through?

Panellist 1: Absolutely, great numbers for a grad.

Panellist 3: Yeah she seems really genuine on paper. Just fantastic, I can't wait to get this one in.

Oh, and this part of volunteering! 

Panellist 1: Hang on, did you see this bit?

Off-screen: Hello?!

Narrator: they all look up in surprise

Woman 2: Miss Collins, welcome... nice to, uh, see you

Narrator: a young woman holding a white cane sits opposite them the panel shoot cautious looks at each other.
First panellist

Panellist 1: So it says here that you graduated with honours?

Miss Collins: that's right, top of my class

Panellist 1: good, very good

Narrator: the middle panellist

Middle panellist: okay, let's talk. You're obviously highly qualified but, hope you don't mind me saying, but your vision...

How do you think you'd fit in?

Miss Collins: yeah great question, not a lot of people ask that actually but I do use text-to-speech software which means I can probably use my computer faster than you!

Not to mention that the equipment is all subsidised and I'm obsessed with reading, so i would love to start a book club here if you don't already have one.

Middle panellist: sounds perfect

On screen text: It's time to see what's possible

Panellist 1: so, tell us about what you've been doing till now..

visionaustralia.org/see what's possible