Joining Vision Australia in 1996 as an Assistive Technology Consultant, Chris has performed various service delivery and management roles across Client Services.
He is now loving working in the Government Relations and Advocacy field helping Vision Australia shape Government Policy for the better.
Chris also oversees Vision Australia's NDIS and Aged Care leads who support and advise providers in understanding the complexity of the funding programs to maximise outcomes whilst remaining compliant within the various rules.
A member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Chris is passionate about sharing his expertise to support disability organisations in maintaining high governance standards and support them to deliver strategy that will further advance the sector and improve the human rights and lives of people who live with disability.
Chris is a non-executive Director and Chair of the Customer Experience and Outcomes Committee of a large for purpose disability provider, Aruma. He is also a non-executive Director of the RPH Australia Board.
Out of work, Chris is a passionate renovator, cook, snow skier and bike rider as well as a proud handler of a Seeing Eye Dog called Eva.